Resident's Rights in Nursing Homes
Residents are protected under Ohio Revised Code Section 3721.13.
Residents have the right to:
- a safe and clean living environment;
- be free from physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse and be treated at all times with courtesy, respect with full recognition of dignity and individuality;
- proper medical treatment, nursing care and other services that compromise necessary and appropriate care consistent with the program for which the resident contracted without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, or payment source;
- have all reasonable requests and inquiries responded to promptly;
- have clothes and bed linens changed as needed to ensure comfort and sanitation;
- name and specialty of any physician or individual responsible for coordinating care;
- select staff physician of choice and select attending physician not on staff if desired;
- communicate with physician and staff in planning treatment and care, obtain current medical information, have access to medical records and give and withhold informed consent for treatment;
- withhold payment to physician who did not provide service
- confidential treatment of personal and medical records and information;
- privacy during medical examinations and personal care;
- refuse to serve as a research subject
- be free from chemical and physical restraints;
- pharmacist of choice and pay fair market price for medications;
- exercise all civil rights unless adjudicated incompetent;
- have access to opportunities that enable the resident to achieve his fullest potential;
- consume alcoholic beverages unless contradictory to written admission policies;
- use tobacco unless contradictory to written admission policies;
- retire and rise on own schedule per request;
- observe religious obligations and activities, maintain individual and cultural identity, and participate in social and community groups;
- private and restricted communications, receive and send sealed, unopened correspondence, access to a telephone and private visits;
- privacy for visits by a spouse or share a room if both are residents of the facility;
- have room doors closed and not have them opened without knocking;
- retain and use personal clothing and possessions in a secure manner;
- be informed in writing of basis rate changes, services offered by the facility and charges for additional services and receive a 30-day notice of changes;
- receive and review itemized bills for charges on a monthly basis;
- be free from from financial exploitation and manage own financial affairs and receive quarterly accounting of financial transactions, if this right is delegated to the home;
- unrestricted access to property on deposit at the facility;
- reasonable notice, including explanation, before room or roommate is charged;
- not be transferred or discharged except for medical reasons, welfare of the resident or residents, non-payment or revocation of the facilities license or certification;
- voice grievances and recommendations free from restraint, reprisal, or discrimination;
- have significant changes in health status reported to sponsor;